Hello Nathen, I was delighted to receive your CD “Little by Little” and honestly felt as I placed it in the car CD player, “Well, I’ll give it a try!”. I was thrilled from the first phrase to the last tone of the bell at the variety, diction, phrasing and breath control you demonstrated throughout the tracks. I loved the title song, Breathe and your simply beautiful and powerful rendition of Psalm 96.
I must have played the entire CD at least 5 times since you gave it to me last Friday night (8 days ago) and have already played it to several friends who were equally entranced by your music and lyrics.
You have come a long way since the noisy and somewhat rambunctious teenager of the 70’s! Your music shows a spiritual growth and maturity which is a joy to have been a wee bit a part of and to have witnessed.
You have offered to be a musical part of a celebration of the Eucharist (Mass) with me at a time in the future – an occasion to which I will look forward with delight! I shall be purchasing several copies as Christmas gifts for my family and friends. “May God bless the work of your hands” (as my favourite seminary professor and advisor often said to me). Shalom, Namaste, Irini, Pace, Paix, Ciao, Salaam and Peace.