Warm greetings and blessings to you, dear Friend!
May WE be wise enough to see the Miraculous in the Everyday with Ease and Grace and JOY. 🙂
(In video format!
Please click here.)
As mentioned in the video above:
1) Happy Spring! I hope that you’re enjoying the energy of the new season. 🙂
2) As of March 10th, my weekly “Morning Musings’ – a 10-15 minute offering which includes a musing, a new chant inspired by the musing, and some shared silence – has been carried on the New Thought Media Network. I’m excited about the opportunity to reach more people with my weekly offering, and I thank Rev. Robert Brzezinski for the opportunity. If you haven’t already, I hope that you can join me for one/some/all of these offerings! You can find the current one on my Facebook business page every Wednesday morning at 10:00 AM Pacific, or see any of them at any time on my YouTube channel.
I’m also blessed to virtually serve more and more spiritual communities in both Canada and the U.S. – sometimes, two of them on the same Sunday! (Some centers request that I pre-record music for them.) For up-to-date info on all of my performances (in the coming month, I’ll be serving centers in the Greater Vancouver area, Toronto and New York City!), please visit my online calendar.
3) This month, I’ve been exploring WISDOM – an important part of my 2021 theme of SURRENDER.
In honour of this month’s theme of Wisdom, this month’s video features “The Simple Things”, a Morning Musing chant inspired by powerful quotes by Paulo Coelho (“The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.”), and by Ralph Waldo Emerson (“The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.”). The chant begins at 4:47 in this month’s video (above). May it serve you well!
And, as always…
You can listen to my songs and chants here and here.
You can find the words to my songs and chants here.
You can buy my CDs here.
Every Monday on my Facebook business page, I post messages of gratitude.
Please have a look, join the conversation, and SHARE the posts with your friends.
For the most up-to-date information, please click on any date in my online calendar.
To watch my
Morning Musings,
Keynote Concerts,
Facebook Live Concerts
and Performance Videos,
please click here.
As a very dear and wise friend in Montreal once said to me, “All I can offer you is my experience”.
My sincere desire, in every one of my newsletters, is to encourage us all to live our Big Lives one Small Step at a time.
Much love to you, dear Friend.
May you Keep Moving Forward with Ease and Grace and JOY. 🙂
Go with Love,
– Nathen
Nathen Aswell
Recording Artist / Inspirational Speaker
Encouraging people to live Big Lives one Small Step at a time
(604) 618-4429